In fifth semester we were supposed to make a renovation project on an already existing building that was built in the sixties. We have experienced numerous problems with computers during this semester which crated a huge delay in our project and led to a lot of stressful situations. However, we managed to pull through and finish the project on time.
We tried to incorporate new materials and building solutions into the project but since the building was build it the sixties the walls that weren't demolished remained the same except for some to which we decided to add insulation to create better comfort.
The renovation included demolition of some parts of the building to create space for an extension of the building which made the apartments bigger. The extension was basically made out of this steel 'tower' which held it together and was connected to the existing building. It was the first time that we worked with steel construction so it created a few challenges for the design of the construction details.


Ground floor

First floor


Basement and new external walls

Connection new and old external walls

Corner new external walls

Roof new external walls
