In the fourth semester we were working in groups made out of four members on subsidized multi storey building with a commercial unit. We were given the plot and the shape of the building but it was up to us to decide whether to keep it that way or not and also on the number of apartments in the building. We were also told to use sustainable materials and solutions.
Our building consists of three main modules (A, B and C) the commercial unit and a penthouse with the best view which is placed on top of module A. Each module consists of two 3 bedroom apartments and two 2 room apartments which makes 36 apartments in total.
Somewhere in the middle of the semester we participated in an early tender for which we were supposed to create a poster which showed all the aspects of the building.
I focused this semester mainly on making of the detail drawings, green roofs and roof terraces and static.
East and west.
North and south.
A, B, C, penthouse and office building.
Penthouse floor and roof terrace
Green roof and external wall
Green roof and third floor external wall
Green roof and roof terrace